Selasa, 07 September 2010

Testimony Pebisnis Online Google Adsense

Tulisan ini saya saji berdasarkan teks aslinya, menggunakan bahasa Inggris.  Di sana, kita lihat setelah empat tahun menggeluti Google Adsense memiliki penghasilan rutinnya cukup besar, yaitu US$ 132,994.97 kalau kurs Dollar saat ini Rp.9.200,- maka dia telah berpenghasilan lebih dari Rp.1 Milyar. Selamat menyimak!

This is a famous picture of Shoemoney’s monthly adsense check. Not mine but I am consistently making more money in Google Adsense revenue than I am on my Allybank account in interest each month. Not really sure what this means, its just an observation.

Bank interest rates have not stop falling since late 2007, meanwhile my random websites have been gaining small pennies in click ads over the past 2 years.

One of my sites, which is a host to funny pictures and video, I plan to try and outsource the search for new content to India. An idea from the latest book I am reading called The 4-hour Workweek. I am blowing through this book faster than I’ve ever read a book before in my life. It’s that interesting. Keep in mind that I am NOT a very fast reader, and I haven’t completed a book in over 5 years. Most of my daily reading is through social media websites, and AIM. I am more than half way through the book, and I plan to finish it this weekend.

Reading the book, I’ve already thought of some great business ideas which I will try to implement. One quote from the book, that I find myself using as a pep phrase is tomorrow means never. If you think you are going to put something off until tomorrow, its never going to happen. Do something right now.

Banyak orang mengeluarkan banyak uang untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan tertentu, bisa pegawai negeri atau pun swasta. Meski kalau kita lihat, penghasilannya tidak sebanding dengan modal awal yang dikeluarkan. Kini saatnya Anda melihat lebih jauh ke bisnis online khususnya Google Adsense yang hasilnya telah terbukti dirasakan oleh sebagian orang yang telah rajin menggelutinya. Selamat Belajar!

Anda berminat memiliki bisnis online Google Adsense yang pendapatannya sangat nyaman untuk tambahan biaya hidup bahkan mensupport masa depan Anda? Segera kirim email ke  dan sms confirm ke 0817 411 9965.

Sumber: Bank Interest vs. Google Adsense

Tulisan Sebelumnya :
:: Mengenal Lebih Jauh Bisnis Online Google Adsense
:: Nyamannya Jalankan Bisnis Online Google Adsense
:: Bayar Tagihan Listrik dan Telepon Rumah Sekarang Bisa dengan SMS

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